
The Great TN Caper - by Pets Alive

I love animals. Domestic, farm, wild - whatever. I love them all. I don't eat them, I don't wear them. At all. It is a personal, ethical choice. Not one that everyone makes, which is fine, but please at least educate yourself.

But, I think that - just maybe - I love animal rescue people more. 

My husband and I had the pleasure and luck of being able to help out an animal shelter/sanctuary in June in upstate NY. Coincidentally, this helping happened to be on our one month wedding anniversary - though we didn't realize it at the time. It's not that we aren't happy to be married ... it is just that the animals were louder than our post-wedding bells. ;) 

Anyway, we did a nice thing for the shelter (tiled a room with some beautiful donated tiles). We listened to the dogs bark all day while out in their awesome outdoor runs (luckier than most dogs at a shelter - trust me). And, we had a few moments at the end of the day to visit with the cats in their 'cat house' (which was so cool - all rooms devoted to cats! does it get better than that?!?! ... but then we had to be off so that we could get back to our own animals in NJ. It was a few days later that I was alerted by that lovely automated RSS thingy to a new blog by the Pets Alive team.

And, with tears in my eyes, I quote just a small portion that I hope makes you want to read the rest of their post ... 

"Animals can’t ask for help and they don’t deserve the heartache and hurt that so many of them are faced with. It takes animal lovers to step up and help make a difference in their precious, sweet lives. Please do whatever you can, whether it be donating money or time, to do your part to make an animal happy, safe, and healthy. If they could ask themselves, they would, but since they can’t we all need to be their voices for them."

Amazing. I love the PetsAlive staff and vols for EVERYTHING that they do for the animals. Y'all are a true inspiration.

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